Client Scenario with Pat Nong

Hello and welcome back to the 360 Money Matters podcast! For many, taking the first step into receiving financial advice can be a bit of a daunting step into the unknown for many. However, when that step is finally taken the advice process will very frequently uncover the need for good quality advice that is beyond the initial client instructions.


For this episode, our fellow financial planner, Pat will be sharing with all of you the real impact of having a financial planner by your side, by outlining a real-life client experience. We will discuss a client scenario, the initial push for the clients to come and receive advice, and how a little bit of unpacking resulted in the scope of the advice altering dramatically. Pat will run through how he was able to help this client and help secure their financial future and the impact of this advice on their business and lifestyle.


Hopefully, this inspires you to go out there and seek advice from a financial planner to secure your future!



This podcast contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation, or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This information is provided by Billy Amiridis, Andrew Nicolaou and Patrick Nong of 360 Financial Strategists Pty Ltd, authorised representatives and credit representatives of AMP Financial Planning – AFSL 232706


Episode Highlights: 

• Pat’s introduction to financial planning

• The initial client instructions around retirement income

• Understanding the client’s circumstances and the real advice needs beyond the initial request

• Managing debt and expenses

• Determining appropriate cover and risk mitigation

• Developing the retirement income strategy

• The impact of advice on their business and lifestyle


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360 Financial Strategists


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