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7 Smart Strategies to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster – 360 Financial Strategists
Are you looking for ways to pay off your mortgage faster? You’re not alone. For many homeowners, the thought of being debt-free sooner is a major financial goal. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore effective strategies to help you pay off your mortgage faster and achieve financial freedom sooner.
From simple tips to more advanced techniques, we’ll cover everything you need to know about speeding up your mortgage repayment. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned homeowner, these strategies will help you take control of your finances and reach your goals faster. Let’s dive in and discover how to pay off mortgage faster!
1. Change to Paying Every Two Weeks
If you’re paying your mortgage once a month, think about switching to paying every two weeks. When you do this, you end up making the same as an extra month’s payment each year, because there are 26 fortnights in a year.
2. Add Extra Money
Adding extra money to your mortgage can help you pay it off quicker. Putting in any extra money you get, like tax refunds or bonuses, could save you lots in interest.
In the first five to eight years of a typical 25-year mortgage, most of what you pay goes towards interest. So any extra money you add during this time will lower the interest you pay and make your loan shorter.
Check with your lender if there’s a fee for adding extra money.
3. Find a Lower Interest Rate
Think about what parts of your current loan you want to keep, and compare the interest rates on similar loans. If you find a better rate somewhere else, ask your current lender if they can match it or offer you something cheaper.
Comparison websites can help, but remember, they’re businesses and might make money from promoted links. They might not show you all your options.
4. Changing Loans
If you’re thinking about changing to a different lender, make sure the good things you’ll get are better than the fees you’ll pay to close your current loan and get a new one.
We can help you find a loan that might be better for you than what you have now.
5. Pay More Each Time
Another way to pay off your mortgage faster is to make payments like you have a loan with a higher interest rate.
This might not work when interest rates are going up. But when they go down, paying more will help you pay off your mortgage quicker.
If you can change to a loan with a lower interest rate, keep paying the same amount you paid before.
6. Think About an Offset Account
An offset account is a savings or spending account connected to your mortgage. The money in your offset account reduces how much you owe on your mortgage. This means you pay less interest and can pay off your mortgage quicker.
For example, if you have a $500,000 mortgage and $20,000 in your offset account, you’ll only be charged interest on $480,000.
If your offset balance is usually low (like under $10,000), it might not be worth paying for this.
7. Stay Away from Interest-Only Loans
Paying off both the money you borrowed and the extra charge (interest) is the best way to get rid of your mortgage faster.
Most home loans work this way. They’re called principal and interest loans. This means each payment you make lowers the amount you borrowed and covers the extra charge for that time.
But with an interest-only loan, you only pay the extra charge on the money you borrowed. These loans usually last for a set time, like five years.
During this time, the money you borrowed doesn’t go down. So, you still owe the same amount, and you’ll have to pay more extra charges.
Paying off your mortgage faster requires expert financial planning. Count on financial advisors for expert advice! A financial advisor can guide you in making the right financial decisions.
To find out if our strategies are right for you, feel free to contact 360 Financial Strategists online or on 03 9427 0855.