55. Investment Market Update

Welcome back to another episode of the 360 Money Matter Podcast! Investment markets have been moving so rapidly in the last few months, we figured it would be important to highlight some of the key takeaways.

In today’s episode, we’ll be sharing a quick and accurate rundown of what’s happening in the Australian and World Markets.. Beginning with the inflation, the property market, possibility of recession in the US and the status of the stock market. All these sectors have an impact on your finances & investments and can influence your strategy and investment.

Amidst all the market updates and noise, we want to remind you to think long-term. Invest wisely in good quality assets and stay within your capacity so you can reach success in your finances!


This podcast contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation, or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. This information is provided by Billy Amiridis &  Andrew Nicolaou of 360 Financial Strategists Pty Ltd, authorized representatives and credit representatives of AMP Financial Planning – AFSL 232706


Episode Highlights:

  • Inflation
  • Property market 
  • Household saving & employment figures 
  • Possible recession in the US market 
  • Stock Market 
  • How all these relate to you and your finances 


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360 Financial Strategists


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